Anytime you spend a lot of money on something only to have it break down on you, it usually will send you into a tizzy. Well if it is a solid surface counter top then there is no reason to freak out.
One of the big selling points for solid surface counter tops is the fact that they can repaired if they are scratched, cracked, chipped, burnt or anything else. As long as your counter top has not been ground into a pile of powder or confetti, it can be repaired.
On occasion, I will run across a posting in some diy forum or message board and people will post replies about repairing solid surface counter tops. They say how you can fix a crack with super glue or some new fantastic resin that you can simply pour on the crack and then sand it down and then it's fixed. Well, that simply isn't true.
Other than simple scratch removal and some stain removal, there is no such thing as a homeowner doing a real, legitimate, invisible, beautiful repair on their own solid surface counter top. It's just not going to happen. That is one big myth that can be busted in the blink of an eye. Just ask anyone who has been unfortunate enough to take this advice. Sure, maybe the magic potion that they poured on the crack filled it in, and sure, once they sanded it down after using the magic potion the crack was no longer felt when you rubbed your finger across it, but what did it look like? In a word, awful.
In the event that it doesn't look awful at first, just hold on, it will. It will start to change colors, usually it goes darker. So if you had a crack in a white counter top and you did a diy fix on it, it's not going to be long and it will start to turn black. Imagine how proud you would be of your handy work then. Your once beautiful counter tops now look like something that you salvaged from some old hotel or something. YUCK!
The good thing is, even if you are not qualified to repair your own co515unter top, there are people out there that are qualified.
Bryan Dix is the owner of Complete Solid Surface Refinishing. North Carolina's first and best solid surface counter top "repair only" fabricator. CSSR Blog is packed with photos of different repairs and situations. Questions that customers and others ask will be addressed here. CSSR Blog
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