Which brings us to can you really save 25% on your electric bill? That mainly depends on how many inductive loads you use on a regular basis. An inductive load is primarily, a motor load. When most people think of motor loads they feel as if they do not have many in their home, this is not the case however. Here are a few examples of motors found in a home A/C, furnace or fan motor, refrigerator, washer, dryer, freezer, dishwasher, well or sprinkler pump these are the largest in most homes. Some others most people do not think about are ceiling fans, food processor, blenders, grinders, exhaust fans, computer fans, and on and on.
As you can see the normal house is full of inductive loads, that we use every day. So the main question is can you save 25% on electric, the answer is YES! Those who will see the biggest savings, are the people like my father who has two refrigerators, two deep freezers, air compressor in his shop, central air and heat, and has gas for cooking, water heater, dryer. He is presently saving 24%, that is great!
Three major reasons you should consider purchasing a power factor correction device. One is it improves the efficiency at which your motors operate, therefore extending the life of your appliances. Secondly by increasing the efficiency at which your electrical system operates, the less power the utility company needs to supply to your home or business. The third and most important is that it saves you money!
How much can you really expect to save, actually the average home owner will see a savings of 6% to 15%. Recently we installed one in our house and saved 14% on our last bill. Just to give you an idea we run the washer and dryer about three times a week, the dishwasher probably three times a week, ceiling fans all rooms,one refrigerator, heat pump, those are the major appliances. My utility company raised our rates 22% at the first of the year, so a 15% savings for us was well worth the money. I am presently saving $62.00 a month, so my (ROI) is eight months. That is a big help right now.
For anyone considering to purchase a power factor correction device, I hope this article was helpful. And keep in mind that you will be conserving energy, also I would recommend that you check with your local and state gov, to see if a rebate is possible. These are certified green.
Beware Of Impostors! Make sure you purchase your Power Factor Correction Device from a certified representative. If you would like to start saving money and energy, or read more information on power factor and Power Factor Correction Devices. You can visit our site Imperial Specialty Services.
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